May 16, 2014

My heart and soul

I always wanted to be a Mom.  I can’t ever remember a time where I ever thought I would end up doing anything other than this.  But nothing quite prepares you for the ups and downs or the amount of overwhelming love you feel for these tiny humans.  Well my tiny humans are no longer tiny.  This makes me so sad!

This photography business has been such a dream come true.  I get to do what I love and stay at home with my kids.  I honestly can’t thank all of you enough for the patience you show me, the love and all the support.  I know I’m not like most photographers, or I’m not as “professional” as a typical business should be.  I don’t have 9-5 hours and my schedule is based on when I can hand off the kids and when I can not.  I have sacrificed my quality time with my dear friends, birthday parties and other fun Summer events, and most of my “me” time to be able to balance the business and my family life.  But one thing I have tried really hard not to sacrifice is my time with my babies.  They have grown so quickly over the past 6 years and it’s scary to think that it is going to be over soon.  I will blink and they will be moving out!  So although I don’t often photograph my children (in a professional capacity) like you’d assume I would lol.  Typically I’m more eager to put my camera down than I am to pick it up when it comes to personal stuff.  Then even when I do feel like taking photos of the kids I think of the massive waiting list of images I have from shoots and realize it will never make it through the line.  For goodness sakes my Husband and I renewed our vows in September last year and I have yet to post them on my blog!!!  I always put MY stuff last or never at all!  So I wanted to break that cycle today!  Today I took the kids out and attempted some more “professional” photos of them.  Isabella (my baby) is turning 4 in just a few short weeks!  I just don’t know where the time went!

Apparently Aidan is going through this awkward smiling phase.  I thought maybe it was just a fluke for his T ball photos and then today as I was shooting I kept telling him to give me his real smile and he kept telling me that WAS his real smile.  LOL  soooo I guess this will have to get chalked up to a good funny memory.





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