Apr 8, 2015

The Lowry Family {Sonoma County Photographer}

One of my favorite things to do is capture families.  Its such a wonderful thing to get to sit down with my family and go through old photos of us.  I love that each year Andrea really allows me to capture her family as they are.  This family has such a free spirit about them yet such a deep rooted love and dedication to their kids.  I am so thankful that they allow me to capture these precious memories for them every year!  JY2A0743-Edit_WEB

I’m normally not a fan of all white for family photos but with this green backdrop and this stylish family they really pulled it off!!!!


JY2A0759-Edit_WEBGetting little miss Anni to smile while looking even somewhat towards the camera proved almost impossible!!! So I had to include this one in the sneaks!




No Words!!!


Can’t beat the love between a mom and her babies!!!!




Where it all began!!!

JY2A0905-Edit_WEBOnce you have kids there are always tons of photos of the kids, a handful of photos of the family but rarely photos of Mom and Dad!!! Love these two!!! You guys created a cray beautiful family centered on the kids and their happiness and you can tell that the second you see you all together!


JY2A0949-Edit_WEBThis is what happens when a pose goes very wrong!! Lol poor Noah got crushed and Anni just wasn’t havin it! But it made for some really funny bloopers!


JY2A1072_WEBJY2A1107-Edit_WEBNoah is such an attentive Father! He has such a special and close bond with his girls! It’s really cute to watch! He has set the bar very high for their future suitors!


JY2A1128-Edit_WEBCould they be any more beautiful????


JY2A1219-Edit_WEBMoments like these are so precious! There is only a small window of time where our babies are so little, so innocent and silly!


JY2A1219-Edit-Edit_WEBI absolutely adore this family!! But if you think it’s nerve racking to photograph a friend it’s even more so to photograph a friend who is a photographer!!!!!




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