Apr 27, 2012

The Crosbie Family {Sonoma County Family Photographer}

Trinity has been my BFF for a very very long time.  To say we’ve gone through ups and downs would be an understatement.  We’ve been by each other’s side through each child we’ve delivered and through nearly every trial and tribulation there after!  I love her children as if they were my own, in fact our youngest children look like they could be sisters…it’s so weird! Trin and Matt are as brave as they come, they have a 7 year old, 3 year old, and 1 year old! all girls!  (that will forever be 1 more than me and I’m so ok with that!!!)  They each have their own personalities that is distinct and different from the other.  With this shoot the goal was to capture each one as individuals and attempt a few group shots!  I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoy having them apart of my life.   xoxo

I love these of Taliya, Trinity’s oldest.  With every year she gets older I can get her to pose for me for more and more.  This time she was a CHAMP!  It was like she practiced or something! She was ready man, BAM! she had one pose after the next, I literally couldn’t keep up.  Every other photo I took was blurry!  I had to adjust my camera settings so I could get a faster shutter speed just to keep up!
Now Miss Rylan is my little mini BFF. Her and I are besties! She wouldn’t leave my side at Pump it up the other day but man the second I get my camera out she runs for the hills!
I’m not sure if a Mom of 3 could look any more beautiful…
Daddy and his girls… Matt, you look beautiful too!
I thought I had a brilliant idea! Take the kids to get ice cream, that will make them all sit together and be happy! It’s a lifestyle shot I can take of them together eating ice cream as kids do…. nope! Rylan was not a happy camper, not even for ice cream
but Miss Haven was happy as can be! …. until her ice cream fell
If you can’t get all three together, collage them together…





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