Apr 12, 2012

My Fabulous New Blog…. if I do say so myself ;)

I posted my new blog and the fun pregnancy announcement of Miss Niki last week in a rush before I left for our mini Family Vaca.  But I didn’t get to do a formal post about the blog and my “peeps” behind the scene!  This year I’ve started working with the amazing girls at shoot.send.breathe Many of you ask me how I can be a Mom of two toddlers and have this amazing crazy busy business…. they are how!  They’ve been helping out with a lot of my post process work and most recently the lovely, talented, and amazing, Erica has been working closely with me to perfect this new blog layout and design.  So I can’t take full credit for the blog, it’s really all because of this talented group of ladies! 


If you are a photographer looking to focus more on the photography and spend less time sitting behind the computer I highly recommend taking advantages of the services they offer! 


…and on a side note if you are a gambler and want to win I highly suggest sitting down at a blackjack table next to Jenny, she doubles as entertainment and LUCK!  I won $500 sitting next to her!



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