Since day one when I started this business I always said I would always respond to my clients personally, I would never use template emails, and I would always be in control of everything to ensure the highest quality of customer service to my clients. I eventually learned that I couldn’t do it all by myself. As my business increased in size it became exceedingly hard to keep up with the hundreds of emails I received everyday, the various administrative tasks associated with each and every shoot, each potential wedding, industry events, etc etc etc. So I finally hired some help, but it quickly became apparent that this job isn’t for everyone. There is NO regularity to it, NO set hours, and really NO way to ensure every single client is happy and served to the highest level unless you are able to balance a thousand plates at a moments notice. So I became discouraged, I didn’t think I would ever find a way to provide for my clients what I wanted to provide, be the Mom I wanted to be, be the wife I needed to be, all by myself and I was struggling to find the right person who was up for the task.
I was at a crossroads, do I drastically decrease the amount of business I do so that I can control the quality of service I am capable of doing alone. Do I try again and find someone to help? or do I give up all together? I decided that this dream is worth one more shot. So I set out on a search for a Personal Assistant, a partner in crime. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am that I found Melissa. She has been the most amazing blessing in my business and personal life. She was EXACTLY what I needed. So I thought it would only be appropriate to “officially” (cuz if it’s online or on Facebook it’s official right? ) introduce you all to the amazing, beautiful face behind the phone/email. If you have called or e mailed me in the last couple months there is no doubt you’ve had some sort of interaction with her. My only regret…. not finding her before starting my business! It would have alleviated years of overwhelming amounts of work and stress. Melissa is able to help me provide my clients with the same personal (non template based) connection. I’m still very passionate about being fully connected to my clients because they are why I do this job. But I’m thankful to have Melissa who helps make it possible for me to have the time and energy to do so at the highest level I always strive for.
In the last few months Melissa has become my business manager, my therapist, my schedule keeper, my studio organizer, and so much more.